It ensures shelter and food for 5 children per month.
It ensures shelter and food for 10 children and scholarship for 10 youngers per month
It ensures support and treatment for 5 students with moderate malnutrition for a month.
It ensures support and treatment for 10 students in severe malnutrition for a month.
It ensures support and 18 physiotherapy sessions for children in the project.
It ensures support and full treatment for a welcomed child in the project for a month.
It ensures support and promotes professional development to Venezuelan refugees and migrants.
It ensures support and maintenance of FWB’s reception centers for refugees and migrants in Boa Vista, RR, Brazil.
It ensures shelter and English classes for orphans.
It ensures, per month, shelter and full assistance to a child or young person taken off the streets.
It ensures shelter and food for 1 person per month and, depending on the center, free treatment for chemical dependency.
It ensures shelter and food for 10 people per month and, depending on the center, free treatment for chemical dependency.
It ensures shelter for children and acquisition of 50 especial cream for injuries to assist them in the project.
It ensures shelter for children and acquisition of 400 especial cream for injuries to assist them in the project.
It ensures reception for a refugee child, including engagement in sustainability activities and full education (school enrollment, school supplies, food and three teachers per classroom).
It ensures the reception of 10 refugee children, as well as their full education (school enrollment, school supplies, food and three teachers per classroom).
It ensures reception of 3 students in the project as well as the conservation of 1 musical instrument for a month.
It ensures reception and support of 5 students in the project for a month.
It makes possible new reception centers constructions, as well as promotion of jobs, income, education, arts and culture in Bahia Backlands communities.
It ensures shelter and food for 20 people in Bahia Backlands community per month, providing also basic health care assistance.
Sponsors keep and ensure the reception work to continue with monthly donations destinated to the chosen project (s); they receive monthly information via email on the projects challenges and progresses to keep up with everything from close. Sponsors can also get to know on the spot the Organization humanitarian projects through the FWB caravans, which is a great learning and fraternity experience opportunity.
The one time donations, on the other hand, are directed to the physical structure and necessities of FWB reception centers and projects, and the donors can keep themselves posted through FWB website and social media.
Because it is with this data that we are able to send information about the projects, so that you be kept posted on every step of the impact of your sponsorship in the welcomed ones lives; we also send important updates on the Organization and, in case we need, we can contact you. Thus, we keep a close relation and, of course, we inform you firsthand about all the FWB events (challenges and progresses).
We have not work with child sponsorship since April 2017, and that is for a very positive reason: Fraternity without Borders has getting bigger and bigger, projects were created (currently 11), challenge regions brought us work opportunities (due to demand) and we had to adapt the sponsorship. Then now, the recent contributors and the ones who were already part of the Organization are project (s) sponsors, and not a child’s one anymore. There are more than 34 thousands welcomed people in Fraternity without Borders now and thus sponsors have changed much more than one life, but all the surrounding reality of these people and they ensure the work sustainability.
This is how the donations made by bank slips work: the payment data analysis is processed in up to 24h and FWB receives the contribution in up to 48h.
Via credit card, however, the amount is sent immediately on the due date scheduled when the sponsorship is made and FWB receives it in up to 30 days. You can follow the donations process through the Sponsor Portal and, in case of an unexpected or failed event that prevents your donation from being received, you will get a report email and our relation team will get in contact with you.
We are a humanitarian organization committed to the mission to live and disseminate the Fraternity without Borders, and we act through 11 projects in the most challenge regions and situations in the world.
Every time a donation is made, it is essential to us that a project is chosen, so that the contribution is forwarded specifically to the project of your heart. Also, we organize caravans (suspended for now due to the Covid-19 pandemic) precisely for the sponsors to have a humanitarian experience and testify from close the challenges and progresses of the projects they contribute to directely. On our website we keep a “Transparency” tab, with our accountability and management reports: And we are certified in “Transparency and Management” by Phomenta – Brazilian representative institution in the International Committee on Fundraising Organization (ICFO) – for the transparency in or management and the operation of international good deeds.
It is also possible to follow all our necessities and accomplishments through our profile on social media and website; moreover, we send monthly emails updating our contributors on the transformations achieved thanks to the sponsorship.
The due date is set according to the sponsorship validity. For the bank slip sponsors, the document can be paid on any day within the due month, no fee applied. The bank slip is sent monthly to the registered email, as well as via SMS to the equally registered phone number with a payment code, what makes important to keep the data updated.
Just get in contact to FWB through one of the relation channels and we make the modification for you.
Yes, by clicking on “I want to sponsor” you can choose all the projects and how much to donate for each one of them (the amount can differ from project to project).
The monthly contribution is grouped, that is, you will get the total amount on your credit card or in a single bank slip. In case you are a project sponsor and register to sponsor a new project with the same VAT number, email and payment method, just inform us (through one of our relation channels) which due date you want to keep for all the sponsorships and we will group them, so that you receive a single contribution invoice.
It is possible to sponsor and donate from anywhere in the world through the International Centers: It is important to be clear that the resources go to Brazil FWB and so on the later option even though the page will present options in American dollars, the amount will be converted in Brazilian reais on the credit card invoice.
For donations by check, please make it payable to Fraternity Whitout Borders US and send it to the address below with the project you wish to sponsor in the memo line.
Thank you!
For donations by check, please make it payable to Fraternity Without Borders US and send it
to the address below with the project you wish to sponsor in the memo line. Thank you!